Sound is vibration...

and balances disharmony.

The sound will be a cure of the future.

/Edgar Cayce/
Tibetan bowls

A human being as a whole

Human is an inseparable whole, which consists of spiritual, mental and physical elements. Everything that affects one aspect of our being, affects the others at the same time. Hippocrates claimed that only natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. According to Pythagoras, however, human beings were most successfully treated when they were perceived as complete and undivided organisms, the sum of all their complex parts.

What is illness?

The ancient Greeks believed that health depended on the perfect balance of the body. Indians identified the state of being healthy with the state of being in harmony with nature. The ancient Chinese believed that health was a reflection of the vital energy they called Qi.

Disease is the precipitation of the body from its natural state of balance. Every illness starts at an energetic level (spiritual or mental). From this level it goes to our physicality, settling in the organs of our body. Illness is a physical manifestation of disharmony in the energetic field. This disharmony is caused by emotions or thoughts. According to Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., sound can balance disharmony at every level of our physiology and have a beneficial effect on healing almost any disease.

How does the sound work?

Everything around us is energy. Scientists, especially in the field of quantum physics, have convinced us in recent years that matter does not exist as such. Yes, we see solid matter as solid, but only because of our brain, which translates the reality around us the way it does. Since everything around us is energy (including ourselves), then we can confidently say that everything is vibrating. Everything around us, our bodies, the whole universe strive for harmony, for higher order. Similar to a musical instrument that can fall out of tune through use, our bodies can fall out of their tune and vibrational harmony. Consequently, this leads to development of diseases. Sound therapies can be very helpful to re-tune us to health. One of the most powerful sound therapies is use of Tibetan bowls. If we agree with the statement of well recognized oncologist, Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. that the sound is a vibration and that vibration affects every part of our existence, then we will realize that the sound is heard not only by our ears, but by every cell of our body.

Does music affect cells?

Fabien Maman, well known musician nad acupuncturist, decided to check how music affects human body cells. He performed series of experiments in the university’s lab in Paris. The purpose of his experiments was an observation of the effect of sound on nucleus and electromagnetic field of human cells. Both healthy cells and tumor cells were photographed.

These pictures were taken every minute after the gong hit. The main sound of the gong was accompanied by overtones, which produced the effect of many simultaneous, different and dissonant frequencies. Sound gradually destabilized the structure of cancer cell, eventually leading to its bust.<

Dr. Masaru Emoto and his water experiment

Many years ago, Masaru Emoto carried out a series of experiments which demonstrated that human consciousness can shape solid matter. He also proved at the same time that music has the same as consciousness characteristic. He was exposing water to human emotions and music. Then he was freezing the water and examining its properties of the resulting crystals with microscopic photography. With this experiment he discovered that positive emotions and beautiful music changed the structure of water into beautiful, harmonious patterns. The same water exposed to bad emotions crystallized into very chaotic patterns. The body of an adult consist of water approximately in 70% (according to various sources it ranges from 60% to 80%). It is therefore clear that “good sounds” can restore balance at the cellular level of our body and thus bring us to health and harmony.

Vivaldi The Four Seasons Autumn

Structure of water’s crystal exposed to music of Antonio Vivaldi
“Four seasons – Autumn”

Vivaldi The Four Seasons Autumn

Structure of water’s crystal exposed to music of Antonio Vivaldi
“Four seasons – Spring” 

Sound can balance disharmony at every level of our physiology and have a beneficial effect on healing almost any disease.

/Mitchell Gaynor, M.D./